DOS.INIT 1.2, is a basic dos mounter application. (This is not an init, but a CDEV) To install just drop DOS.INIT into your system folder and restart. DOS.INIT will allow you to see IBM floppies on your Macintosh’s desktop. (Requires system 6.07-7.x, SuperDrive or compatible floppy drive).....Since this CDEV was created especially for the my Notebook, (from Outbound) only Notebook users can configure the control panel. Non-Notebook users just need to install, then restart, and insert the dos media desires. Although the regular mac’s cannot configure this CDEV, they can still mount dos media, with any problems. (LOOK OUT FOR 1.3).
This software was created to be a semi-competitor to other Dos mounters available. Created by Mister Cee, for STRIKERwares, Inc. 1992.
Look for these other titles from STRIKERwares, c/o Mister Cee:
Hermes KRACKED2 (1.9 cracked, bug fixes) - Released March 17,1992